What we offer
We deliver extensive expertise and products supporting the management of natural resources.
Our main products and services include research, consulting and courses.

Our combined oil & gas industry experience and R&D activities give us unique knowledge on the opportunities and challenges that face countries rich in natural resources.
We share this knowledge through our research & consulting activities, and the courses we offer.

We provide specially-tailored courses and workshops for government officials, company and organizational representatives alike. Each course is designed to the specific needs of our clients.

Center for Natural Resource Management connects and draws on the expertise of a network of experts who collectively possesses the overall competence necessary to understand complex issues related to the management of natural resources.
Why we do what we do
Sustainable and responsible management of natural resources is a challenge both for natural resources in global commons and within the jurisdiction of nation states. We provide knowledge and help design policies and institutions that will generate opportunities, while preventing the threats, that arise from natural resource abundance.
Natural resource management within national jurisdiction
Managing a nation’s natural resources has proven to be particularly challenging, and many states have failed to meet their objectives. CNRM is here to help manage the complex mix of political, economic and resource management challenges that accompanies responsibility for resource management.
Management of global commons
Global commons include the earth’s shared natural resources, such as the high seas, the atmosphere and outer space and the Antarctic in particular. Challenges similar to those facing nation states in their management of natural resources within their national jurisdiction, also face international institutions with an objective to mange global commons for the benefit of humankind as a whole.
Our lengthy professional and academic experience provides clients with the cutting-edge knowledge they need to achieve their goals.